[ad#posts]There are many times when someone comes up to me, and I can’t remember who they are for the life in me. A trick that I do is try to figure out who the person is by asking generic questions, and then narrowing it down till you figure out who it is. Say you meet someone at a Seattle Mariners Baseball Game at Safeco Field (not that I am biased or anything) while in line for a Major League Hot Dog. These are the steps that I follow:

  1. Ask when the last time was that you saw each other. This will give you a great indication of the time period you have to think back to.
    Me:“WOW, it’s great to see you again. It’s been a while, when was the last time we saw each other?”
    Them:“It’s been a long time, I think High School.”
  2. Ask about friends you had in common. Many times when you find out their social circle, it will ring a bell. You will now know when the last time was you saw each other and common friends.
    Me: “Do you still keep in touch with anyone from back then? How is everyone?
    Them: “I still talk to Steve Burch, Brian Bill, and Mark Cornell. They are all doing great.”
  3. Ask them about a favorite moment you two had. Often times an event will jog your memory. Although you have been asking a lot of questions, the other person feels that you are showing interest in their lives.
    Me: “We sure had some great times, what was your favorite moment?”
    Them: “It has to be the time we went to the Seattle Mariner’s Ground Breaking Ceremony for Safeco Field with Brian.”
  4. Ask them for their phone number and ask them how to spell their last name. If you still don’t know who the person is, there is one last trick that I use. You might be in trouble if their last name is Smith, but just make a joke of you thought that they spelled it differently.
    Me: Do you mind if we keep in touch? What’s your phone number? How do you spell your last name again?”
    Them: Sure, it’s (987) 654-3210. My last name is spelled S – W – A – N.

Now based off all of those responses, plus the last name, I have figured out that it is my friend from High School, Nick Swan.