
Driving my car

We all need some time to soul search, those moments of freedom when we are alone with out thoughts.  Once a month or so I get in my car, grab a camera (right now I am using the #1 camera on Amazon Canon PowerShot SX230HS) or journal, turn off the GPS and radio, and drive with no destination in mind. Sometimes I’ll only take left turns, or stay on a road until it ends. Amazing destinations aside, my road adventures always lead to a memorable time because it allows me to spend some quality time with someone that I don’t get enough time with, me.

Between a home life, family, work, and projects, we get less and less time with ourselves to relax and enjoy our own company, and start to define ourselves by our job titles. How many times have you met someone new and asked about them and the first response is where they work and their job title. Few people ever spend time with themselves, or if they do, they have the music going the entire time and rob themselves of the experience of getting lost in their own thoughts.

These drives have gone from something I was very nervous about doing (where do I go, what do I do, how much time will it take, do I have enough gas, etc.), to something that I enjoy doing. Right now I am typing this at a Starbucks I randomly found after driving around for 45 minutes, I don’t even know what city I am in right now, and I’m enjoying every minute of it.

I encourage you to do the same. Learn to love yourself. Drive, get lost. Journal in a strange town, write a letter to a friend from a new found park, take a picture of an amazing nature scape, but mostly, spend some quality time with you.