It is my personal dream to positively impact the lives of 10,000 per month. Now these are not just people who I say hello to while waiting in the line at the grocery store or a list comprising of friends and family, but rather 10,000 people who I directly impact through my journey on becoming a Personal Development Coach. Now would you guys like to know a secret… I have no idea on how I’m going to do this!

Now even though I do not know how I will accomplish that goal, doesn’t mean that I haven’t been trying everything I know to get me there. Here are a few different avenues that I am exploring:

  • This website (www.RohitRohila.com)
  • Writing a book
  • I am learning how to coach by working with my friends
  • Sharing my goals/dreams with EVERYONE I meet
  • Network Marketing
  • Personal and Professional Networking
  • much more

No one whom I’ve ever shared that dream with has questioned my passion. I bring this up for a very good reason, passion, strangely enough, maybe preventing you from accomplishing your dream.

When we are passionate about something, we become emotionally invested, and when this happens, our subconscious will do everything in its power, even if it means preventing you from ever starting the dream, to make certain that we do not fail at dreaming. Does that make sense?

If I say that “someday I will” or anything along those lines, then the possibility of me being able to accomplish those dreams will always exist, even if I never start. But if I do start, and I can’t do it, then that means that I failed. So most people, instead of ever trying, hold onto the hope that someday that may, even though someday will never come.

Passion can be a terrific igniter, or it can be the excuse that will always hold you back. Take control of your passion and imagine the feeling that you will get knowing that you tried, where most would not.