Reaching for Goals

Reaching for Goals

Since elementary school we are told that we should be setting goals, both Long-Term and Short-Term, and that is about the extent of the education that the majority of the population receives. Setting goals is the #1 way of achieving prosperity, yet 90% of the population doesn’t even set goals. So we have to wonder, if setting goals helps you become successful, why not set them?
There are 3 main reasons you justify not setting goals. Lets take a look at each of them:
  1. You don’t know how: What is a short-term goal, or a long-term goal? What is a goal? So many questions, so many steps, if only there was an easy way to learn all this… like maybe using Google?!?!?!?
  2. You are too lazy: You had to wake up early, work hard all day, you just want to come home and relax, maybe watch a little TV. Who needs to set goals, it just means more work, right?
  3. You Sub-Conscious won’t let you: My favorite topic to write about, the sub-conscious. Your sub-conscious knows that you are lazy and so will try to talk you out of it by saying: “If I set this goal and I don’t accomplish it, we won’t feel too good, so lets just avoid it all together.”
Ok, so now you know why you are not setting goals, so there is only one thing to do now… SET A GOAL! There are two basic steps here they are: