There is a phrase I always use about network marketing and it goes like this, “Anytime you aren’t where you want to be, hold up a mirror and there’s your blame.”

As a leader, you will hear many excuses as to why people can’t do the business or why they are struggling. They don’t have a strong upline, their downline isn’t doing anything, the company has too many products, the company doesn’t have enough products, the company’s business cards are the wrong color, the meetings start 10 minutes too late, etc.

When a member of my team tells me one of these reasons as to why they aren’t working towards their dreams, I always let them know that I can introduce them to 10 people who had worse circumstances than they do and they made it.

I have seen and heard of a lot of people making it in this business under tremendous circumstances. In a business centered around communication, I have seen deaf people make it. A person with no arms or legs. A homeless person. A single mom of 5 who owed over $1,000,000 to a hospital. The stories are out there and they are incredible. People, all over the world, are working very hard towards their dreams.

So the next time you are feeling low, you aren’t where you want to be, just hold up a mirror.