“Accountabilibuddy”, I love that word. I first heard it on an episode of South Park, title “Cartman Sucks”. During that episode, my favorite character Leopold “Butters” Scotch befriends and individual at camp and they become accountabilibuddies, someone to hold each other accountable. This is a very special relationship, and even though it’s a fun word, it should be taken very seriously.

I now use this term with all of the people that I coach. So what does it take to be an accountabilibuddy? It takes a strong commitment to not only yourself, but also to your accountabilibuddy. Here are some ways that accountabilibuddies can work together:

  • If you make a commitment, stick to it
  • Communicate often (in person, phone, email, etc.)
  • Be honest with each other. If one of you is slacking, let the other person know
  • Deadlines are important, and must be met

To set yourself up with an accountabilibuddy, go to someone you trust and can be honest with. Be careful when it comes to friendship because often times, people will hold back being honest out of fear of hurting feelings. If you would like me to be your accountabilibuddy, send me an email and tell me what some of your goals are. I will be more than happy to help in any way that I can.