Ashley Holman

Ashley Holman

I am a very strong proponent of Journaling and have been doing it actively for several years. I have all kinds of journals, daily, reflective, photography, emotional, and happiness. I will post about each of those journal types in an upcoming date, but first off, let’s get happy, shall we

One of the greatest reasons that most people feel sad, is because they think about what they don’t have, instead of what they do have. I first started my Happiness Journal when I was feeling really down. There really wasn’t anything wrong in my life, but I didn’t have much motivation and was feeling a little depressed. I decided that instead of focusing on the things that made me sad, I would focus on the things that made me happy. It was difficult at the start, struggling to find happiness. But soon I found myself thinking about my journal all day long, and looking for the things that actually made me happy. I went from seeing an old couple walking down to the street, to a cute old couple holding hands in love walking down the street. Soon everywhere I went, I saw the good part of life.
Now the journal was very simple. I put the date down, and then I made a list of all the things that made me happy. You can also download a template that I created that has a spot for a complete week.

Here is a sample from today, when I wrote this:
Friday August 3, 2007

  • Had a great conversation with Ashley, Karla, and Sarah at Cutters Point
  • Watched my pet frog Pimpy swim around his aquarium for 5 minutes
  • Talked on the phone to my best friend for 20 minutes