

Take time to write your goals

Go back 5 years into the past. Think about your job, your car, your house, your friends, your relationships, everything. If I was to ask you what you want to accomplish in 5 years, what would you say? A better paying job? Married? Get out of Debt?

Now, come back to the present, have you accomplished those goals? If your answer begins with, “Well…” then you haven’t! So, what can you do to help you accomplish your goals:

  1. WRITE THEM DOWN!!!!– Such an important step, yet VERY few people do it. On average only 3% write down their goals. When you write them down, you take ownership of the goals. They are yours and you want to accomplish it. You also start to see what is possible. You may have always wanted to go to Hawaii, but daydreaming about it won’t help you get warm sand between your toes.
  2. Review, review, review, review- Millionaires read their goals once a day… Billionaires read their goals twice a day. Do you see a pattern? Take a look at your goals first thing in the morning, and make it the last thing you see before you go to sleep. Always think about your goals. Writing your goals down on paper and reviewing them daily will suddenly bump you into the top 3% of the population. You will start to notice that all of a sudden you are getting and doing the things that you have always wanted to do. Always think about your goals and ask yourself this question, “What am I doing right now to accomplish my goals?” If your goal is to lose 5 pounds, yet you are at an all-you-can-eat buffet, well, ask yourself the question again.

Before you go to sleep tonight, think about where you want to be 5 years from now. What are your goals? Then take out a sheet of paper, and write them down. You don’t need to prioritize them right now, but the fact that you simply wrote them down will help you get closer to them then you ever have before. You will thank yourself in 5 years!