So you have watched The Secret and figured, “Hey, why not give it a try and see if this stuff really works”. You try it for a few weeks, maybe even a month, and nothing happens. Your conclusion: “This stuff doesn’t work.”

So let’s take a look at some of the top 6 reasons that The Secret did not work for you:

  1. You don’t really believe it will work: If you decide to “give it a try” you will fail because The Secret is not something you “try”, it is something that you have to believe with all of your heart to be true. This is perhaps the #1 reason why The Secret will not work for you. After watching the story about the man who always got an incredible parking spot because he believed he would, I decided it was time to do the same. I didn’t “hope” for a nice parking spot or “wish” for one or “see if I could” get one, I just knew that it would be there waiting for me. Now whenever I go shopping, I always park within the first 3 spots.
  2. You expect immediate results: We live in a world of instant gratification where we want everything yesterday. That is why diets are so popular, because we want quick results. Say your goal is to weigh 10 pounds less. We do not want to hear that it will take consistent exercise, a regular healthy diet, and proper nutrition until it will work, we want to hear that we will be able to fit into those old jeans in a week. The Secret works the same way. You cannot just say you want to weigh 10 pounds less and be done with it; you have to imagine that you ALREADY are 10 pounds less. Look at pictures of yourself in which you are your ideal weight. Get so used to that picture that when you look into the mirror, it doesn’t look right, then go about fixing it. Sorry, no overnight success here.
  3. Your expectations are not realistic– If your goal is to achieve an annual income of 1 million dollars within a year, it certainly is possible, but not so much if you are struggling to make $26,000 a year. Set goals that are realistic and achievable.
  4. Your actions contradict your goals: You want to be able to run a mile, but sitting in front of your coach all day eating candy bars and soda will not help you get there. Your daily habits should reflect your goals, not contradict them.
  5. Your goals are too generic: A perfect example of goals being too generic are the goals we call New Year’s Resolutions. We all want to lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking, but after a few weeks we are back to our old habits.  The problem lies in the breakdown of the goal, a step that most people never do. If your goal is to stop smoking, then break it down into smaller goals. Maybe you cut back a cigarette a week until your final cigarette in April. Goals need to be measurable.
  6. You fail to realize an opportunity when it comes to you: Having your own business, being your own boss, setting your own hours, being in control of your life is something that we all dream of. A friend of yours has had some success in Network Marketing and invites you to an opportunity presentation, and without even giving it a thought, you politely decline, letting an incredibly chance to become an entrepreneur slip away. The failure to recognize and take advantage of an opportunity is worse than trying the opportunity and failing.

So if you have not had much luck with The Secret , check to see if maybe one of these 6 reasons are holding you back from the prosperity you deserve. For a complete breakdown on how to set goals, read an article I did earlier: How to Set SMART Goals.