confused The average person (97% of the population), is not in control of their life for one simple reasons… they let events dictate their lives instead of creating their lives. They let excuses dominate their lives: The economy is bad, My boss hates me, Too many bills, I ran away from home, I am an alcoholic, my father didn’t love me, etc.

Though these may be real concerns, they still can not tell you the kind of lifestyle you should have. Your life should be in your hands, but most people don’t see it that way. Why should some event tell you the kind of life you can life.

When I graduated from college in 2002 with a degree in Computer Science, the “.com” bubble had just burst. Downsizing, outsourcing, failed companies, the IT industry was falling apart. I couldn’t find a job to save my life. Was that a real event, yes it was. Did it impact the lives of other college graduates, yet it did. So what was my solution, “If no one will hire me, I will hire myself.” That was how I started RKR Consulting, my own computer consulting business. So a real event happened in my life, the industry was down and so was the economy, but I didn’t let that stop me. I did not let that event dictate my life.

There are examples everywhere of people who have tackled all obstacles and found success. We all have the same problems, but what sets successful people apart from every one else is our attitude towards those problems. Don’t be a pinball, only to be guided by the bumpers and paddles of life. Instead fight through and chose your own path.